I have been very brave and highly stimulated attending an online workshop run by Johannes Vloothuis backed by Wetcanvas. https://www1.gotomeeting.com/ register

This free workshop starts at 10pm SA time and it actually keeps me wide awake! I eventually fall into bed at about 12.45 and sleep on all the invaluable information I have received.
I have been having a good look at past paintings and I have now adjusted this one. The trees behind the chimney do not exist and the embankment doesn't quite look like that but that is what art is all about! I think it looks a lot better!

This free workshop starts at 10pm SA time and it actually keeps me wide awake! I eventually fall into bed at about 12.45 and sleep on all the invaluable information I have received.
I have been having a good look at past paintings and I have now adjusted this one. The trees behind the chimney do not exist and the embankment doesn't quite look like that but that is what art is all about! I think it looks a lot better!