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Showing posts from February, 2008

A very exciting exercise in colour - 17 more to go

I feel like a little grey chrysalis gently unfolding my quivering wings trembling in anticipation of the beauty to come. Thank you Margie for this awakening.

Spier Contemporary Art Exhibition Visit

Contemporary art is not something we know much about, but today we went on a SASA outing to see the Spier Contemporary Art Exhibition 2007 at the Spier Wine Estate just outside Stellenbosch. What a mind blowing experience. We were taken around by the co-curator Jay Pather and given so much valuable information about what they had seen in the works and why they were chosen. Only 100 works were chosen from over 2000. No mean feat. This was a multi media exhibition and includes paintings, sculpture, photography, video, and live performances. Over lunch Bryan and I discussed in great depth what is art and what is just pretending to be "Art" This exhibition is most definitely well worth visiting. For all my Johannesburg readers, it will be moving up there at the end of March. It will awaken emotions in you that you have buried deep inside. It will bring joy and discomfort. Go and see for yourself! One of my favourite exhibits Our own contemporary art taken between shipp...

Trying Oils - My First Oil Painting

Noordhoek - Oil on canvas I have joined a new class with Margie Johnson - everyone in Cape Town knows her and has been to her classes! I thought that with the change from acrylics to oils I should go to one of the top teachers and boy oh boy am I learning fast!!! I am loving oils!!! I have discovered, though, that I really can't handle the smell of turps, even genuine turps makes me physically ill! I'm using white spirits and that seems to be working well. Heaven only knows how I am going to store this lot as it can take up to a year for oils to dry!!!! What an adventure!!!