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Moody Mountain Path

This painting was done on one of our outings to Signal Hill on a beautiful misty morning.


Anonymous said…
I love atmospheric paintings. You captured the misty feeling perfectly.
Carol said…
Wow, that response was quick Jean! Thank you!
Kathleen Hebert said…
Your painting is so rich with mood and feeling. Awesome!
Marie Theron said…
Hi Carol, we all know forest paths like that, but never tried to paint one! This one, because of the wind, has a lonesome feeling that lends great atmosphere to the image!
Barbara Pask said…
So nice Carol, you really got the feel of the mist.
Carol said…
Thanks for the visit and kind words Kath. I really appreciate them. Sometimes I feel very out on a limb with what I produce! It is good to know that they are enjoyed.
Carol said…
Thank you Marie. I loved the write up on you in Art Life. Beautiful paintings. I am sorry that I missed meeting you when a group of artists and friends went up the west Coast and had tea with you. Maybe next time.
Carol said…
Thank you Barbara. When we eventually get the ADSL we have ordered, I will start visiting everyone again. At the moment dial up is just too frustrating!!!!

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