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Goodbye Gypsy

At lunch time Gypsy went out for a wee and could not get back up the stairs onto the verandah. She sat in the rain crying and I just knew that this was it. After drying her with the hair dryer  I took her through to the Doctor and he just shook his head.  The disease had spread to all four limbs and all stability had gone.  She had lost her independence. She could not function on her own anymore. Goodbye Gypsy, we will always remember you and the wonderfully spunky personality you had.  Her story is below.


Kathleen Hebert said…
I am truly sorry for your loss. A pet is attached to our souls and our hearts. The hole that they leave when they are gone is indescribable. Take care of yourself while you are missing your "child." Hugs to you.
Carol said…
Thank you so much Kathy. I must say that I feel totally lost without her. We loved her so much and were priveliged to have been loved by her. A very special little soul she was.
Anonymous said…
So sorry about your loss. It's like losing a child - that's how I feel every time this has happened to us. Time heals.
Barbara Pask said…
Oh Carol I am so sorry for your loss. You went through so much with this little one. You did everything for her. Things happen for a reason, sounds like she chose you knowing how good to her you would be. Take care
Carol said…
Thank you for your kind words Jean. Yes, they very quickly become part of your family. As I am hurting now, for once I can actually sort of understand why some people don't have animals. The hurt is just so bad.
Carol said…
Thank you Barbara, you are so sweet. Yes, I think the short time she was with us, the way she just fitted in, she was very happy.
Chris said…
I'm so sorry. It's heart wrenching to lose our pets. Thank goodness she had you!
Carol said…
Thank you Chris. They so very quickly become part of the family, don't they.

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