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Christmas came early this year

This painting was done from a photograph with the kind permission of Diane, the photographer. Thanks you for the oppertunity! I thoroughly enjoyed painting her and hope I have done her justice! Maybe if you are still in contact with the parents you cen get them to have a look see.


Barbara Pask said…
This is so sweet and would make an excellent Christmas card, don't you think?
Anonymous said…
I would think her parents would snap up this wonderful painting. She looks so angelic.
FitFoodieMegha said…
She is looking so sweeet...Her eyes, hairs and the cap ...I liked everything..:)
Art with Liz said…
Oh she's absolutely magic Carol! I'll let you know what reactions Diana gets from her parents!
Carol said…
Barbara, thank you, yes, it would make a good Christmas card. Maybe we will use it for our Family greetings this year!
Carol said…
Thanks Jean. I actually don't know if her parents have seen it yet.
Carol said…
Thank you Megha, for your kind words and the visit.
Carol said…
Thanks Liz - yes, please let me know what the reaction is.

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