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en Plein Air Workshop

After much nagging, Lynn Northam finally set a date for her workshop. She spent the morning going through all the things to take, how to stop your brolly from blowing away (which is simply ingenious) etc etc and generally giving some amazing tips on how to. She then did a beautiful demo showing her technique of using Liquin in her base coat and rubbing it out with a cloth to get your highlights. It dries very quickly so you can then go directly on with adding the rest of the painting. Then we started painting. Unfortunately the canvas that I had taken was not prepared properly and I had to laugh off the painting part. It was a very short time anyway so it was not a problem, I just sketched. I do think that the workshop should have extended to another day when we could have painted in the morning, without pressure of time, under Lynn's supervision. She gave us so much information on the basic things that I was definately brain dead afterwards. Now for the practice! The brush miles!


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